Time to Equip Knowledge About Different Types of Dental Implants

dental implants

Dental implants are a great choice for those with missing or damaged teeth. These are much more comfortable and effective than other leading dental restoration options. It restores the ability to bite, chew and swallow food.

Implants Are Highly Effective:

When you visit a dentist to get information about implants, you can find different options. In this case, one size does not fit all. Your dentist will analyse the nature of your tooth damage and loss and choose the right implant that matches your need. Judging the strength of the jawbone and the surrounding teeth is an important requirement for dental implants in Epsom.

Common Types of Dental Implants that You Can Try:

Before selecting a particular type of implant, it is important to learn more about it. The types of implants may differ from one another due to various reasons. We discuss more about this at length in the following section.

  • All-on-4 Implants: This is one of the most common types of dental implants. This kind of implant can withstand rigid chewing and biting and offer great functionality. All-on-4 implants make the most use of the available jawbone to place the implant. The dentist may also take the help of modern technology to analyse the jawbone and find the right areas to place the implant. For maintenance, you need to clean the implant in between 6 and 12 months.

  • Implant-Supported Dentures: These are unique and can be removed like a denture and stabilised like an implant. Dentists face ease in adjusting the degree of dentures without using complicated tools. By trying these dentures, you can eliminate the painful sores and other oral problems related to placing an implant. It can be a perfect option if you have enough bone support.

  • Dental Crowns: It is a well-known restorative process that can effectively repair broken teeth. However, it is much different from the dental crown. The dental implant crown replaces the whole dental structure, including the root. These are highly durable and made from high-quality porcelain or metal. The design of the dental implant crown is vital, as it should be made according to the unique dental impressions of a patient.

  • Dental Bridges: Dental bridges are an effective treatment that can be replaced by an implant. It is a popular oral treatment to close the gaps between two teeth. It is also effective in maintaining the facial shape of the affected person and provides a firm bite. Bridges can effectively keep the artificial tooth and make it look and feel natural. You can reduce the gap between two teeth with the help of bonded teeth as well.

These are a few types of dental implants that you can commonly find. To get help from a reliable source, you can visit Epsom Smiles. We are a well-known source offering dental implants in Epsom to different clients. You can expect quality assistance and care from our qualified dental experts. For more information about us, you can visit our website.

5 Reasons to Get Customised Dental Care From Reputed Dentists in Epsom

5 Reasons to Get Customised Dental Care From Reputed Dentists in Epsom

When it comes to dental health, there is no room for compromise. You need to ensure that you get the best care for your teeth and gums, which means opting for customised dental treatment whenever possible. Dentistry with personalised care helps to make the patient feel comfortable and discuss the issues freely. You might come across several dentists in Epsom; however, people prefer walking up to the one who remembers the patient’s name, problems and history.

General dentistry involves treatments that might not suit you. Hence, getting a personalised plan is always advisable to improve your teeth.

Here are 5 reasons why you should consider customised dental treatment.

Why should you opt for customised dental treatment?

Your teeth are unique

Just like no two people are alike, no two sets of teeth are the same. This means that a one-size-fits-all approach to dental treatment is not ideal – you may not get the results you want, or you may even experience discomfort or pain. With customised dental treatment, your dentist can consider the specific needs of your teeth and mouth, ensuring that you get the most effective and comfortable care possible.

You get a personalised treatment plan

A tailored approach to dental treatment means you will receive a personalised treatment plan designed for your needs. This means that you can be sure that all aspects of your care are considered, from the type of treatment to the products used. The dentist will especially examine the teeth’ condition and analyse the problems before preparing the plan.

You get better results

You can often achieve better results with customised dental treatment than with a one-size-fits-all approach. This is because your dentist can choose the most appropriate treatments and products for your situation, meaning that you’ll get the care you need – and want – without any unnecessary hassle or inconvenience. The dentist will look at your medical history before preparing the treatment plan to ensure a sure shot and the best results.

You avoid problems down the road

If your teeth are not properly cared for, it can lead to many problems down the road, such as tooth decay, gum disease and even tooth loss. With customised dental treatment, however, these problems can often be avoided altogether. By considering your individual needs and preferences, your dentist can create a care plan that is right for you – meaning that your teeth will stay healthy and happy for years to come.

It’s more affordable in the long run

Opting for customised dental treatment doesn’t have to cost a fortune; it can often be more affordable in the long run than a one-size-fits-all approach. This is because you only need to pay for treatments and products specifically tailored to your needs, meaning that you won’t spend money on treatments or products you don’t need or use.

Walk into Epsom Smiles for customised dental treatments in Epsom. We offer a range of services like dental implants, Invisalign, teeth whitening treatment, dentures and teeth straightening treatments. We use up-to-date equipment and employ a team of qualified dentists for the job. To know more, check our website.

What Are The Benefits of Availing Immediate Dental Implants in Epsom?

What Are The Benefits of Availing Immediate Dental Implants in Epsom?

Dental implants are a healthy alternative to natural teeth. A dental implant is an immediate solution if you’re feeling self-conscious because of a missing tooth. The process is simple, so why not approach professional dentists for dental implants in Epsom? A titanium root is inserted into the tooth bone and a crown to replace the missing tooth.

Who needs dental implants?

Dental implants may be a good option if you are missing one or more teeth. A broken or decayed tooth can dampen your beautiful smile. In such situations, dental implants are a true saviour. Dental implants are artificial roots that are placed in the jawbone to support a replacement tooth (or teeth). They are a permanent and stable solution that can give you back your smile and improve your oral health.

The implant is a blessing and a smooth solution for people who are uncomfortable with dentures, bridges or partial dentures. Once you’ve undergone the treatment, you will feel no difference between natural and artificial teeth.

To know the benefits of dental implants, read on.

6 Benefits of Having Dental Implants in Epsom

Dental Implants Are Permanent –

Dental implants are fused with your jawbone, making them a permanent fixture in your mouth. Hence you don’t have to worry about the same one falling out in the long run. Dental implants are essentially a one-time investment. On the other hand, traditional dentures or bridges need to be replaced every few years as they can become loose over time.

Dental Implants Improve Your Oral Health –

Dental implants do not require the reduction of adjacent teeth, which is necessary for the placement of traditional bridges. This means more natural teeth are left intact, improving oral health if you go with the dental implants option.

Dental Implants Look and Feel Like Real Teeth –

Dental implants are made to match the colour and shape of your natural teeth. They are also designed to function just like natural teeth, so you can eat and speak without difficulty.

Dental Implants Are Strong and Durable –

Dental implants are made of titanium, a material known for its strength and durability. With proper care, your dental implants can last a lifetime.

Dental Implants Improve Your Quality of Life –

Dental implants can give you back your confidence by restoring your smile. They can also make eating the foods you love easier, and you can speak without worry. This can lead to an overall improvement in your quality of life.

Dental Implants Help to Prevent Bone Loss –

When you lose a tooth, a space is left in the gum. The more you delay getting the dental implant treatment, the more harm you’re causing to the gum and your mouth. This contributes to bone loss. Immediate dental implants help to prevent bone loss.

If you are considering dental implants, consult with the qualified and experienced dentists at Epsom Smiles. Epsom Smiles will meet all your dental needs flawlessly. We have a team of specialised dentists who can help you with the best and most painless dental implant procedure in Epsom. To know more about our services, check our website.

Thinking About Dental Implants in Ewell?

Thinking About Dental Implants in Ewell

Dental implants in Ewell are the ideal solution for anybody struggling with the loss of their teeth. Perhaps your tooth has fallen out due to a sporting injury, or maybe your dental care hasn’t been up to scratch and has led to the loss of one or more teeth. Missing teeth can be difficult for a number of reasons, but these struggles can be easily overcome with dental implants.

Restore Your Confidence with Dental Implants in Ewell

It’s not uncommon for crooked, misaligned or missing teeth to be a major source of insecurity for many. Here at Epsom Smiles, we offer a vast range of comprehensive treatments suitable for any dental problem you find yourself facing. With a 95% satisfaction rate amongst our patients, one particularly successful treatment option is dental implants in Ewell. If you’re finding yourself mourning your lost teeth, dental implants are a sturdy, durable option that will have you feeling confident again in no time!

Make Your Smile Functional Again

Insecurity isn’t the only issue that can accompany missing teeth. Many people who lose teeth find that everyday tasks that were once second nature suddenly seem significantly more complex than they once were. It may be that you’re struggling to pronounce certain words, or you’ve developed a lisp that wasn’t there before. Some find that they have difficulty eating, as the lost teeth are not able to perform their intended purpose. There are several dangers to this problem, including the fact that foods that aren’t chewed properly can’t provide as much nutrition as those that are effectively broken down. Additionally, it’s natural to compensate for missing teeth by chewing on the other side of your mouth. Over time, this can unevenly wear down your teeth.

Another risk you run when missing teeth is that of gum disease. It is far easier for bacteria to breed when there are gaps between your teeth. Gum disease can cause a host of problems and sometimes results in bone deterioration and tooth loss.

Get Dental Implants in Ewell to Kiss Your Dental Problems Goodbye!

All these problems can be effectively treated with dental implants. There are several types of dental implants designed for different needs. If you are missing a singular tooth, single-tooth implants are the right choice for you. During this process, a titanium post is inserted into the jawbone and secured to either side using either screws or bolts. As the bone grows around the post, the tooth will become stronger. For those missing multiple teeth, fixed bridge implants are the perfect solution. Fixed bridge implants involve a titanium post being surgically inserted into the jawbone and fitted with replacement teeth, which can then be removed or attached to form a fixed bridge. Some people find that despite their natural dentition being relatively good, their back teeth have fallen out due to injury, illness or neglect. In these cases, removable partial denture implants are a suitable option. This treatment involves the post being surgically inserted into the jawbone and attached to the small metal clamps holding the replacement teeth in place.

Contact Epsom Smiles Today

If you’re looking to restore your smile and confidence to their full potential, dental implants in Ewell are the answer to your problems. For more information, or to book an appointment with our friendly dental team, please get in touch with Epsom Smiles today. Your smile will thank you for it!